
Showing posts from June, 2024

Here is the content refined for clarity and professionalism suitable for someone preparing for a QA Automation interview:

*** Topics to Study *** Prior to having an interview for QA Automation for completion FindTheDuplicateNumber EvenLetterPrintFromString ExtractSpecialCharacterFromString Factorial FibonnacciSeries GreaterNumberInArray IndexPositionOFAlphabet LeapYearNonLeapYearInArray NonRepeatingCharacter OddAndEvenFromArray RemoveDuplicateCharacter ReverseNumber ReversString SmallestNumberInArray TwodifferentStringComparison UpperCaseCountInString VowelLetterCount WhiteSpaceCount WordCountInString Swap PalindromeNumberChecker TwoNumberGreater DuplicateWordFinder CharacterCount SecondGreaterNumberInArray =============Manual testing Functional Testing VVI================== Types Of Testing White Box Black Box Gray Box Unit Testing Integrating Testing System Testing Acceptance Testing Regression Testing ReTesting Smoke Testing Sanity Testing Adhoc Testing Monkey Testing RTM Matrics Test Plan Test Strategy What is bug leakage and bug release? --------Not VVI-Manual------------ Static Testing Dynamic

Java Collections interview questions

Java Collections interview questions Q. 1. Difference Between List and Set in Java - **List**:    - Ordered collection that allows duplicate elements.   - Examples: `ArrayList`, `LinkedList`. - **Set**:    - Unordered collection that does not allow duplicate elements.   - Examples: `HashSet`, `TreeSet`. Q. 2. Difference Between Collection and Collections in Java - **Collection**:    - The root interface in the Java Collections Framework.   - Provides methods to add, remove, and query elements. - **Collections**:    - A utility class that provides static methods to operate on or return collections, such as sorting and searching. Q. 3. Difference Between Array and ArrayList in Java - **Array**:    - Fixed size, can store primitives and objects.   - Faster access and more memory efficient. - **ArrayList**:    - Resizable array, can only store objects.   - Provides more functionality like dynamic resizing and various methods for manipulation. Q. 4. Difference between ArrayList and LinkedLi