Here is the content refined for clarity and professionalism suitable for someone preparing for a QA Automation interview:

*** Topics to Study ***

Prior to having an interview for QA Automation for completion

  1. FindTheDuplicateNumber
  2. EvenLetterPrintFromString
  3. ExtractSpecialCharacterFromString
  4. Factorial
  5. FibonnacciSeries
  6. GreaterNumberInArray
  7. IndexPositionOFAlphabet
  8. LeapYearNonLeapYearInArray
  9. NonRepeatingCharacter
  10. OddAndEvenFromArray
  11. RemoveDuplicateCharacter
  12. ReverseNumber
  13. ReversString
  14. SmallestNumberInArray
  15. TwodifferentStringComparison
  16. UpperCaseCountInString
  17. VowelLetterCount
  18. WhiteSpaceCount
  19. WordCountInString
  20. Swap
  21. PalindromeNumberChecker
  22. TwoNumberGreater
  23. DuplicateWordFinder
  24. CharacterCount
  25. SecondGreaterNumberInArray

=============Manual testing Functional Testing VVI==================

  1. Types Of Testing
  2. White Box
  3. Black Box
  4. Gray Box
  5. Unit Testing
  6. Integrating Testing
  7. System Testing
  8. Acceptance Testing
  9. Regression Testing
  10. ReTesting
  11. Smoke Testing
  12. Sanity Testing
  13. Adhoc Testing
  14. Monkey Testing
  15. RTM Matrics
  16. Test Plan
  17. Test Strategy
  18. What is bug leakage and bug release?

--------Not VVI-Manual------------

  1. Static Testing
  2. Dynamic Testing
  3. Negative Testing
  4. Positive Testing
  5. Alpha Testing
  6. Beta Testing
  7. Globalization Testing
  8. Exploratory Testing


  1. SDLC & STLC
  2. What is agile
  3. Burnup vs Burndown
  4. Agile Ceremony list
  5. Sprint Backlog vs Product Backlog
  6. Epic User Story Task
  7. Agile 12 Principal


  1. What is Selenium And Explain Architecture
  2. Xpath Relative Vs Absolute Xpath (Single / and Double //)
  3. Synchronization (Wait Implicit wait vs Explicit Wait , Fluent Wait)
  4. DropDown
  5. Action Class
  6. TakeScreenShot
  7. Alert (Web Popup)
  8. JavascriptExecutor
  9. Window Handle(multiple Window)
  10. Closed/Quit
  11. Authentication Popup website
  12. Navigation (all method)
  13. GetUrl/Navigate,url

---------Page Object Model----------

  1. Page Factory (write code & Theory)
  2. POM vs Page Factory

-------------Java Theory-----------

  1. Public Private protected
  2. Final Finally Finalize
  3. Abstract class vs Interface
  4. SuperKey word
  5. ThisKey Word
  6. Throw vs Throws
  7. Overloading vs Overriding
  8. == vs Equal
  9. Collection vs Collections
  10. Static Variable & Method
  11. Constructor (Default vs Parametrized)
  12. CheckException vs Unchecked Exception
  13. Opps Concept all four


  1. What is TestNG
  2. Tell me Annotation in TestNG in order way
  3. How to run same testCase run multiple time
  4. TestNG Groups
  5. DataProvider


  1. Scenario Outline / Scenario
  2. Background
  3. Hooks
  4. order
  5. Tags
  6. Glue
  7. Features
  8. Step-Defination
  9. TestRunnerFile

  *** Xpath Syntax  *** 



  *** TestNG  Annotations *** 


  • @BeforeSuite: The method annotated with this will run before all tests in this suite.
  • @BeforeTest: This will run before any test method belonging to the classes inside the <test> tag is run.
  • @BeforeClass: This will run before the first method in the current class is invoked.
  • @BeforeMethod: This will run before each test method.
  • @Test: The actual test case that needs to be run.
  • @AfterMethod: This will run after each test method.
  • @AfterClass: This will run after all the methods in the current class have been run.
  • @AfterTest: This will run after all the test methods belonging to the classes inside the <test> tag have run.
  • @AfterSuite: The method annotated with this will run after all tests in this suite have run.

  • ************************* Maven Interview ********************

  • 1. What is Maven, and why is it used?
  • 2. What is the `pom.xml` file in Maven, and what are its key elements?
  • 3. How does Maven handle project dependencies?
  • 4. What are Maven lifecycles, phases, and goals? How do they differ?
  • 5. How do you add and configure a plugin in Maven?
  • 6. What are transitive dependencies in Maven, and how are they resolved?
  • 7. What is the difference between `install` and `deploy` in Maven?
  • 8. What are Maven profiles, and how do you use them?
  • 9. How do you manage multi-module projects in Maven?
  • 10. What are the different types of Maven repositories, and how do they work?
  • 11. How do you create and use a Maven archetype?
  • 12. How do you exclude or include specific dependencies in Maven?
  • 13. How can you override a dependency version in Maven?
  • 14. How does Maven integrate with Continuous Integration tools like Jenkins?
  • 15. How do you handle dependency conflicts in Maven?
  • 16. What is the purpose of the Maven Surefire plugin, and how is it used in testing?
  • 17. How do you skip tests during the Maven build process?
  • 18. How do you generate and customize test reports in Maven?
  • 19. What is the purpose of the Maven `clean` phase?
  • 20. How do you configure Maven for running integration tests separately from unit tests?

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