Here is the content refined for clarity and professionalism suitable for someone preparing for a QA Automation interview:
*** Topics to Study ***
Prior to having an interview for QA Automation for completion
- FindTheDuplicateNumber
- EvenLetterPrintFromString
- ExtractSpecialCharacterFromString
- Factorial
- FibonnacciSeries
- GreaterNumberInArray
- IndexPositionOFAlphabet
- LeapYearNonLeapYearInArray
- NonRepeatingCharacter
- OddAndEvenFromArray
- RemoveDuplicateCharacter
- ReverseNumber
- ReversString
- SmallestNumberInArray
- TwodifferentStringComparison
- UpperCaseCountInString
- VowelLetterCount
- WhiteSpaceCount
- WordCountInString
- Swap
- PalindromeNumberChecker
- TwoNumberGreater
- DuplicateWordFinder
- CharacterCount
- SecondGreaterNumberInArray
=============Manual testing Functional Testing VVI==================
- Types Of Testing
- White Box
- Black Box
- Gray Box
- Unit Testing
- Integrating Testing
- System Testing
- Acceptance Testing
- Regression Testing
- ReTesting
- Smoke Testing
- Sanity Testing
- Adhoc Testing
- Monkey Testing
- RTM Matrics
- Test Plan
- Test Strategy
- What is bug leakage and bug release?
--------Not VVI-Manual------------
- Static Testing
- Dynamic Testing
- Negative Testing
- Positive Testing
- Alpha Testing
- Beta Testing
- Globalization Testing
- Exploratory Testing
- What is agile
- Burnup vs Burndown
- Agile Ceremony list
- Sprint Backlog vs Product Backlog
- Epic User Story Task
- Agile 12 Principal
- What is Selenium And Explain Architecture
- Xpath Relative Vs Absolute Xpath (Single / and Double //)
- Synchronization (Wait Implicit wait vs Explicit Wait , Fluent Wait)
- DropDown
- Action Class
- TakeScreenShot
- Alert (Web Popup)
- JavascriptExecutor
- Window Handle(multiple Window)
- Closed/Quit
- Authentication Popup website
- Navigation (all method)
- GetUrl/Navigate,url
---------Page Object Model----------
- Page Factory (write code & Theory)
- POM vs Page Factory
-------------Java Theory-----------
- Public Private protected
- Final Finally Finalize
- Abstract class vs Interface
- SuperKey word
- ThisKey Word
- Throw vs Throws
- Overloading vs Overriding
- == vs Equal
- Collection vs Collections
- Static Variable & Method
- Constructor (Default vs Parametrized)
- CheckException vs Unchecked Exception
- Opps Concept all four
- What is TestNG
- Tell me Annotation in TestNG in order way
- How to run same testCase run multiple time
- TestNG Groups
- DataProvider
- Scenario Outline / Scenario
- Background
- Hooks
- order
- Tags
- Glue
- Features
- Step-Defination
- TestRunnerFile
*** Xpath Syntax ***
*** TestNG Annotations ***
tag is run.<test>
tag have run.